Let's Get Personal - portfolio project outline

By the end of this month, I want to have sold several pieces of artwork (stickers, posters, shirts, phone cases, etc.) online. I also want to use this month as a jumping-off point so I can keep creating content to add to my store. I will be using a site called Redbubble as a platform to sell my artwork.

Note: I have already investigated the enamel pin option for my artwork, however it seems as if I won’t be able to do that at this point in time. I would have to outsource the pin making to another company, which would leave me paying easily over $1000 out of pocket, and I simply cannot afford that at the moment. Enamel pins will become a stretch goal for the time being.

This project will help me accomplish something I’ve been wanting to do for a long time: marketing my artwork in a way that is literally profitable to me. It will also help me build more confidence in displaying my work and successfully impression.


Here’s a brief look into how I’ll be structuring my weeks this month:

Week 1 – Create project outline. Design and complete six stickers, line and color. Rough sketch three full-size illustrations for poster and shirt designs.

Week 2 – Make Redbubble account. Upload sticker-size designs and format them to their specific items to be sold. Line and color the three full-size illustrations.

Week 3 – Upload the three full-size illustrations and format them to their specific items to be sold. Rough sketch three more full-size illustrations for poster and shirt designs. Rough sketch three more sticker designs, different theme.

Week 4 –  Line and color the three full-size illustrations, upload and format them to their specific items to be sold. Rough sketch six more sticker designs.


My biggest challenge by far will be to successfully market my artwork. I need to strike the balance of persistence, so I can get noticed without being intrusive. I also need to work on my confidence, because I struggle a lot with imposter syndrome.

Despite imposter syndrome, however, I believe I have sufficient talent to make this project successful. I’d like to think that committing to practicing drawing nearly every day for as long as I can remember would have left me with some skill. I also have the benefit of having this project be something I’ve wanted to do for a while, so I’ll stay motivated.