Here's a couple samples of work that I’ve done in the past. Click here to view my full portfolio.
Lessonbee Curriculum Overview
These sample pages of the Lessonbee Curriculum Overview guide contains information about the Lessonbee approach to health education, how it works, scope and sequence, and standards alignment.
Lessonbee Master Teacher Guide
These are some sample pages of the Lessonbee Master Teacher Guide. Teacher Guides include important information for each of the Lessonbee health education courses, such as the objectives, essential question, standards, and an introduction to the characters. Teacher Guides also include a suggested instructional flow with resources like exit tickets, worksheets, and reflection questions.
Lessonbee Health Education - Teachers & Parents
A video targeted towards teachers and parents, offering Lessonbee as a solution to a pervasive problem in the world of health education.
2017 A Year in Review
An infographic celebrating Children’s National’s year 2017 accomplishments.
Atox Bio - fall poster
A poster encouraging enrollment in the ACCUTE clinical trial (both with text and without).
Summit City Winery - interior
The inside pages of a brochure designed and put together while working with Telemitra Inc.
More that Hors D'oeuvres
An assortment of foods.