November is going to be a demanding month—yes, Praxis is demanding by default, but we’re approaching the portfolio project month. So, here’s my post about what skills I hope to basically advertise with my portfolio project (whichever one I end up choosing to move forward with).
The skill I’m most proud of is my creativity. I call myself an illustrator. I already have a pretty big portfolio, so I don’t quite need to prove that I can draw, but I’d like to continue to provide examples with my project. I’d also like to show that I’m organized, have good attention to detail, and I know how to market myself. And I’m not a one-trick pony, either. Yes, I prefer illustration, but I can also make video and animations.
With all this being said, here are the ideas I have as options for my portfolio project.
1 – Webcomic, Process and Pages
I talked briefly about this during October’s last weekly Praxis Wednesday. I’ve been wanting to start on my webcomic for a long time, but I haven’t had the motivation. November is the push I need to actually get started.
The main task for November would be to split up the project into 3 weeks. Week 1 would be focused on asset creation (house layout, character designs, environment sketches). Week 2 would feature the process to complete a page, a sequence of the rough sketch, then lines, then flat colors, then shading, then final details. Week 3 would have the release of 5-7 finished pages of the comic. I would continue the comic outside November on my own schedule as a personal project.
2 – Stickers, Prints & Enamel Pins; Cryptids, Zodiac, and (possibly) YouTube
Something I’ve always wanted to do is make an online store. Full-color prints lend themselves to what I already do, but I’d like to take things one step further and make enamel pins. I love these little pins, and a lot of people I talk to like them as well. Stickers would be fun to make, too.
I love cryptids, so one of the themes I’d have for my store would be cryptids, cuter than they usually are depicted, and even more cartoony for the pins and stickers. I’d also like to do the same thing with the astrological zodiac.
Another thing I’d like to try is reaching out to several Youtubers to make merch for their stores. I’ve already looked around and a couple of them don’t have pin and sticker options, so perhaps they’d like to have some to sell. This is not the main goal of this idea, but it would be really cool to have my stuff featured in their stores.
3 – Teatime Logos and Healthy Tips
Another idea to make an online store, but this time with an assortment of little logos and prints of types of tea. They’d be tiny illustrations of teacups with their primary ingredients set beside it, with the name of the tea written above and the primary health benefits written below.
I also want to market the little teas, like the above idea.
I could very well combine ideas 2 and 3, but it depends on how much time I have. Perhaps I could make it a stretch goal?