
Let's Get Personal - the kinetic typography experiment

This week I took it upon myself to learn something new: kinetic typography. It’s something I’ve seen a lot, but I’ve never tried it before. One of the deliverables for Praxis this week was to make an elevator pitch video, so I figured it was as good a time as any to go out on a limb and see how creative I could get with a new form of media.

Bonus points to this format: I barely had to show my face (I’m camera shy, plus the difference between non-video audio and camera-facing audio was just different enough to bother me a lot). I still showed my face and tried my best to edit the audio to match it to the other recordings – there’s still a slight difference, however I think it’s something that bothers me more than others because I’m the one that’s been staring at it for over 10 hours.

Casual Rambling - 2 1/4 Books

I went to Barnes & Noble with my sister a couple weeks ago during a really rainy day. We had wanted to go on a walk, but the weather had other plans for us. She suggested, as an alternative activity, something that we used to do a lot as kids: go to a bookstore, have a seat, and read indefinitely. The weather was perfect for something like this.

She grabbed a coffee. I don’t drink coffee, so I didn’t get anything. We found two chairs and set up by the big set of windows at the front-facing side of the store, overlooking the parking lot. She had in her lap three high-intermediate French language books—she’s learning her third language, she’s already fluent in Spanish. I, on the other hand, have immense difficulty learning languages, so I opted for fiction instead.

I’ve never made a review post before, but I really enjoy these books, and you might enjoy them too. I’ll start out with one I actually haven’t finished yet, but I already love: