Let's Get Personal - some kind of reasoning, here

We interrupt this program to bring you: a review within a review.

By this I mean I’m taking some time to backtrack and observe my thought processes for the posts I’ve done this month. I’ve reviewed 12 games/franchises of varying genres - mostly horror, but with hints of simulators and indie games. Whatever comment you want to make, it’s clear and apparent at this point that I have a preference for what games I like to talk about.

I’m not ashamed to talk about my obvious bias. I’m actually pretty proud of having such strong opinions - I think it’s a sign of me developing my tastes further, that I’ve made a lot of creative progress since my obsessive random days of middle school.

I don’t think I’ve ever gone into a lot of detail about why I like the things I like, and that’s because, well, I don’t actually know why. Sure, I can pinpoint a couple things that may have influences my tastes at a younger age - I watched a lot of anime, specifically Naruto, and horror movies over my mom’s shoulder - but I think that’s hardly all that shaped my little goblin brain into what it is today.

My suspicions, not surprisingly, have to do with the level of exposure I had to various media. I only grew up with a Gamecube, so not many games crossed my path until I got old enough to see them become retro, or visiting my cousins to hijack their consoles, or browsing YouTube for gameplay with or without commentary - in fact, a lot of gaming knowledge I have is from watching others’ playthroughs and commentary.

I don’t think playing the actual games is the only way to experience the game itself. I have so much knowledge of very specific games, some of which I’ve never played and just watched others play, that gives me the ability to write real reviews of them (non-professional reviews, I’ll add). I understand that a lot of people will disagree with me, but I have strong beliefs and I refuse to back down on this one.

But I digress. There’s a lot I could expound on, but I don’t want to take all night to do that. You’ll likely get the idea by just listening to me rant overtime, so there’s that. Tomorrow I’ll be taking a look back at this month, giving you all the highlights and bullet points of why this 30-day blogging exercise was good for me to do.