Fetch Quest - Life Is Strange (part 2)

Life Is Strange is a unique little experience. People who have played Life Is Strange before will already have an idea of what I’m about to say, and those who haven’t should prepare themselves. With its painterly textures and cozy late-summer Oregon vibe, it’s easy to feel relaxed and happy. One of the first scenes is Max caught helpless in a violent storm, but it ends up being a dream sequence, and we come right back to the warmly lit classroom. This makes the following scene in the bathroom a punch in the stomach, as you watch a girl get shot by an unstable classmate.

Fetch Quest - Life Is Strange (part 1)

After some observation, I’ve found a pattern in the games I enjoy. With the exception of titles like Silent Hill 2 and things from the gamecube era, I tend to favor games that have been released in the past five years. The similarity is simply a coincidence, as I don’t really pay attention to the release date so much as the overall quality.

Fetch Quest - GameCube Nostalgia

Let’s take a break from the critiquing for a while. I’ll give you a refreshingly short post today.

I’ve had great fun pointing out what I love and what I hate about some of my favorite games from the past 10-ish years (what? You say I’ve only done two games? Well I have more planned, we’ll have to do a raincheck on those). Taking in that content and expounding on it makes for a fun hobby. But let’s try a change of pace.

The first gaming console I ever had was the Nintendo Gamecube, a relic from the oldies if you ask anyone born after 2001. Makes me feel like an old lady when I realize how long ago that was. Also depending on who you ask, this being my first console means that I came from humble gaming beginnings (I mean, sure? But consoles are expensive so what else would I have done?).

My beautiful purple cube-shaped friend provokes feelings of nostalgia in me. I loved, and still love, inviting my friends over to play Mario Kart or Super Smash Bros Melee. When I was by myself, I enjoyed either Luigi’s Mansion or Super Mario Sunshine.


Notice a pattern? Yup, these are all Nintendo games. Since I was a kid, I didn’t really notice or care about the brand loyalty going on here, but as I look back it, I realize that Nintendo kindled my love of video games. Of course I developed preferences and tastes as I got older, but at the starting line, Nintendo was my foundation.

So, this is what I’m going to do next: I’m going to make daily posts about my favorite gamecube games, each day focusing on a different game. I’m steering away from the world of horror to bring you a good ol’ dose of childhood nostalgia. Get ready!